Windstone Farm

Free Evening Event
\Thursday June 20, 2024 * 7:30PM
Zion-Memorial Church, Carleton Place
All welcome
As spring turns into summer in this corner of the Valley
we will have a rare and delightful confluence:
Norman Wirzba & Steve Bell
You may never have paused to wonder what happens when a Canadian farm-kid turned philosopher-&-Duke professor comes back home to hang out and jam with his Juno-winning songwriter-&-troubadour friend. What stories and songs might weave out of their conversations of concern about the ecological condition of our globe, combined with their committed conviction that the way forward not only has hope, put perhaps in some ways is Hope.
But if you now are curious, do come join in to see and hear.
We are so grateful to be able to include the artwork of Anishinaabe artist Mark Nadjiwan to accompany us in our reflection and conversation.
Follow this link for his thoughtful
explanation of this and other pieces.
Beginning his formation in the life of an Albertan farm, Norman Wirzba has become a renowned author, speaker, and conversationalist in the intersections of theology, philosophy, ecology, and agrarian & environmental studies. Director of Research at Duke University’s new Office of Climate & Sustainability, he works to address the many social and ecological dimensions of climate change. He is also a fascinating podcast guest, loves making food and crafting with wood, and still spends time with his hands in the soil. And, loves playing music – especially with friends like Steve.

Steve Bell is a Canadian songwriter, storyteller, and troubadour whose mission is to be a purveyor of truth and beauty and a champion of kindness; to spiritually refresh the weary and wary. He has become a mentor to many, and has been acknowledged through several awards for his social justice and advocacy work both in Canada and globally. His music awards are too many to number, and his musical partnerships stretch from the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra to Mike Janzen to Malcolm Guite. We are delighted that he will now be joining forces, both in story and in song, with his friend Norman.